Services: Historic Preservation
Cultural Landscape Preservation: Ms. Miller is available to assist clients in all aspects of the stewardship of their historic cultural landscape – she can help clients elucidate the historic significance of the property, document existing conditions, develop a management philosophy, and provide recommendations to guide the development of future rehabilitation and preservation maintenance plans. Her services include:
- Archival research
- Analysis of existing conditions
- Development of cultural landscape assessments
- Stewardship management planning (rehabilitation and/or preservation)
- Grant writing
Additional Historic Research and Documentation: Research and technical writing can be provided in support of:
- National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) nomination
- Preservation easement agreement
- Local historic district nomination
- Historic Structure Report (HSR)
Archival research and technical writing are provided on an hourly fee basis, with a “limit not to exceed” established at the start of a project.

Historic Research and Writing
by Cheryl Miller
Belvoir, The Plains – “A Colonial Revival Landmark in the Piedmont” at The Garden Club of VA
Read the full report by clicking on this link or the image to the left – The GCV Fellowship Archives